Car Show- RDB
Date and Time
Saturday Sep 23, 2023
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM EDT
Saturday, September 23, 2023
Day of event registration: 8 - 10 a.m.
Enter on South St. and Anthony Wayne Trail. Registration begins at 8 -10 a.m. The first 100 vehicles will receive a FREE Dash Plaque. When online registration is closed, you can still register the day of the car show at 8:00 am. Participants: When registering your car, select only one category per car. If you have more than one car you would like to register, please fill out an additional participant registration. The category you select will be the category you are competing in. The Anthony Wayne Trail will be closed at 10 a.m. for the parade. Sorry we do not allow any motorcycles. Disclaimer: By attending this event and filling out this online registration, you hereby hold harmless the Waterville Area Chamber of Commerce, Shawn's Irish Tavern, its employees and the car show volunteers from any damage that may occur during the event. WACC is not responsible for any damage to any vehicle at the show. You attend and participate at your own risk.
Plan accordingly:
Parking Lot will be closed at 11:00am. No further entries after 11:00am.
Awards will be presented at 3 pm.
$5 per vehicle before August 31, 2023
$10 September 1- 23
Contact Information
Jackie Lehman at 419.878.5188
Send Email
Roche de Boeuf Car Show
Sponsored by:
Shawn's Irish Tavern and Gwen Mitchell State Farm Insurance
Participants: When registering your car, please select only one category per car. If you have more than one car you would like to register, fill out an additional participant registration. Awards will be presented at 3:00 pm.
The Anthony Wayne Trail will be closed at 10 a.m. for the parade.
*No motorcycles.
Disclaimer: By attending this event and filling out this online registration, you hereby hold harmless the Waterville Area Chamber of Commerce, Shawn's Irish Tavern, its employees and the car show volunteers from any damage that may occur during the event. WACC is not responsible for any damage to any vehicle at the show. You attend and participate at your own risk.